Made in Germany
Wellan ®2000-Tetradom

Revolutionary WELLAN 2000® Quantum Water Treatment: Tetradom’s Solution to Industrial Water Challenges

The Importance of Fresh Water and Industrial Water Treatment

Fresh water resource for the earth, like human blood, it is a scarce resource in the world. Industrial water use is twice that of domestic water, so treating industrial circulating water is an important method to save fresh water. It not only affects industrial production costs but also our lives.

How can we treat industrial circulating water efficiently, safely, and environmentally? This is a significant issue that we must pay attention to. The four major challenges of industrial circulating water are scale, rust corrosion, bacteria, and algae.

New descaling and anti-corrosion technology – Explanation video from EHS International Trading Company Limited

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More Information

The Birth of WELLAN 2000® Quantum Water Treatment Technology

In 1988, German scientist Mr. Klaus Wagner invented WELLAN 2000® quantum water treatment technology. This technology is based on quantum physics and uses purely physical means to treat water. It has attracted much attention for its remarkable efficacy, environmental protection, and energy-saving benefits. It has won the Nuremberg Prize for Scientific and Technological Innovation twice and received certifications from multiple authoritative organizations. WELLAN 2000® quantum water treatment technology has benefited many industrial users in more than 100 countries and regions around the world.

Tetradom’s Role in Advancing Water Treatment Solutions

In 2006, Tetradom Company was established as a partner of  WELLAN 2000® Company, responsible for the sales and service of  WELLAN 2000® products. In 2009, Tetradom China was established in China. Over more than 10 years, the quantum water treatment device has been installed in hundreds of enterprises.

Due to the product’s installation without stopping equipment, no need to modify the pipeline, no pollution, no energy consumption, and no operating and maintenance costs, it is currently the most green and environment-friendly water treatment method. Other treatments can’t solve all challenges at once. Tetradom water treatment technology can solve these problems of scale, rust corrosion, bacteria, and algae simultaneously.

Benefits of Tetradom’s Quantum Water Treatment Technology

Customers in various industries are very satisfied with Tetradom’s quantum water treatment device. Not only does it save a lot of costs, but it also reduces labor costs, and the discharge water is chemical-free and pollution-free. It is the best choice for treating circulation water problems.

Human exploration of the world never stops. Human lifestyles have also changed as a result. In our eyes, technology is no longer just a tech product; we have reached those invisible microscopic worlds.

Tetradom’s product uses invisible oscillating waves, changes the physical properties of scale and rust, and inhibits the growth of bacteria and algae. The significance of technology is to make life more convenient; it is because of life that technology becomes great. Tetradom uses technology to change our lives.

EHS is the link between Tetradom and the world. Hong Kong is the center, spreading to the world. You are welcome to join us. Let’s use technology to change lives together.

WELLAN 2000® | Our mission: Better water

WELLAN 2000®: No chemicals, no electricity, no magnets.
Ultrafine vibrations from quantum physics are the solution!

Works in stagnant as well as fast flowing water, stops rusting and oxidation, clears pipes, improves drinking water quality.

Although this technology of improving water and its effects is still not so well known, this method is already used in many other areas. Think of computer technology, magnetic stripes on credit cards, photography, CDs, and so on. There are renowned physicists working on the development of a quantum computer. One would like to use the storage capacity of a liquid molecule, e.g. water, which is infinite on a certain level.
Thus, the function and effectiveness of the WELLAN 2000® has nothing to do with faith, but it is simply a forward-looking technology from quantum physics, which offers many interesting possibilities. Our products prove this. WELLAN 2000® for: Private households and industry. We can look back on over a zillion very satisfied customers. Sales are made throughout Germany and worldwide.

WELLAN 2000® has the right solution for every water problem. The thickest pipe diameter of the pipeline, which was equipped with WELLAN 2000®, was 40 inches. It is worth pointing out once again that our water treatment system, not only frees the pipes and stops rusting and oxidation, but “WELLAN 2000®” makes a significant contribution to tackling our environmental problems.

Photo credits: Adobestock – alter_photo
